L’ESPCI Paris – PSL s’est dotée depuis 2007 d’un Conseil scientifique international (CSI) qui présente annuellement au Conseil d’administration une analyse écrite de l’activité d’enseignement et de recherche et des propositions d’orientations.
Les membres du CSI sont nommés pour un mandat de 6 ans, renouvelable. L’ESPCI Paris fait ainsi partie des quelques institutions d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche qui ont su réunir une équipe d’envergure exceptionnelle, capable de mener une réflexion globale et prospective sur les grandes orientations des politiques scientifique et pédagogique de l’institution.
– Professor of Physics and Molecular & Cellular Physiology at Stanford University
– Chair of the Board of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). (and past president)
– Nobel Prize in Physics 1997
Research interest :
atomic physics, polymer physics, biophysics, molecular biology, medical imaging, nanoparticle synthesis, batteries and other electrochemical applications.
Membres issus du milieu académique
Prof. Monica Olvera de la Cruz
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry and (by courtesy) Chemical and Biological Engineering, Physics and Astronomy à l’Université de Northwestern.
Research interest :
Theoretical models for macromolecules properties, functional nanostructured materials, complex fluids.
Co-director of the Center for Computational Quantum Physics at the Flatiron Institute and professor of Physics at Columbia University.
Research interest :
Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics.
Professor of Physics Debye Institute for Nanomaterials, Utrecht University
Nanophotonics, Interaction between Light and Matter.
Research interest :
Science for Sustainability, Energy in Transition.
Prof. Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan
Professor of Physics, de Valpine Professor of Applied Mathematics, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Havard University.
Research interest :
Patterns of shape and flow of inanimate matter in systems ranging from the supramolecular to the planetary, and the dynamics of sentient matter that can self-organize, perceive and act in systems ranging from the sub-cellular to the super-organismal.
Professor of Chemistry, University of Florida
Research interest :
synthesis and development of polymers with well-defined functionality, composition, and molecular architecture, employing basic organic transformations to create, functionalize, and deconstruct new macromolecular materials.
Biophysicist and neurobiologist, Director of Research Inserm at Institut du Cerveau (ICM), Director of the Paris Brian Institute.
Research interest :
Motor circuits, behaviour, optogenetics, physiology, locomotion and sensorimotor integration.
Membres issus du milieu industriel
Dr. Patrick Maestro
Past Chief Scientific Officer Solvay and Member of the French Academy of Engineering
Dr. Yves Bréchet
Member of the French Academy of Sciences, Scientific director of Saint Gobain company.
Dr. AlineCriton
Chief Clinical and Regulatory Affairs Officer Withings, Medical Physics PhD.