Post-Doc position in Biochemistry — Offre pourvue

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Address your applications (CV + cover letter) by email to: Prof. Andrew GRIFFITHS & Philippe NGHE ESPCI Paris - Laboratory of Biochemistry 10 Rue Vauquelin 75005 Paris

The activities of the Laboratory of Biochemistry at ESPCI Paris, directed by Prof. Andrew GRIFFITHS, are based around droplet-based microfluidics, a powerful new ultrahigh-throughput system in which reaction volumes can be miniaturized by up to a million-fold compared to conventional assays in microtitre plates. This opens up exciting prospects for the development of extremely innovative systems with many applications in the Life Sciences. Notably, the LBC has developed novel power approaches based on droplet microfluidics to study the role of compartmentalization in the context of the origins of life, including in vitro RNA systems as a major model system.

Recent publications of the LBC on this topic include :

Arsène S, Ameta S, Lehman N, Griffiths A, Nghe P, Coupled catabolism and anabolism in autocatalytic RNA sets
Nucleic Acid Research (2018)

Blokhuis A, Lacoste D, Nghe P, Peliti L, Selection dynamics in transient compartmentalization
Physical Review Letters (2018) 120, 158101

Yeates J, Nghe P, Lehman N, Topological and thermodynamic factors that influence the evolution of small networks of catalytic RNA species
RNA, 23 (7), 1088-1096 (2017)

Matsumura S, Kun Á, Ryckelynck M, Coldren F, Szilágyi A, Jossinet F, Rick C, Nghe P, Szathmáry E, Griffiths AD, Transient compartmentalization maintains catalytically active RNA replicators and prevents functional collapse due to parasites
Science, 354 (6317), 1293-1296 (2016)

Nghe P, Hordijk W, Kauffman SA, Walker SI, Schmidt FJ, Kemble H, Yeates JAM and Lehman N, Prebiotic network evolution : six key parameters
Molecular BioSystems, 11(12), 3206-3217 (2015)

Ryckelynck, M., Baudrey, S., Rick, C., Marin, A., Coldren, F., Westhof, E., & Griffiths, A. D. Using droplet-based microfluidics to improve the catalytic properties of RNA under multiple-turnover conditions
RNA (2015).

Fallah-Araghi, A., Meguellati, K., Baret, J. C., El Harrak, A., Mangeat, T., Karplus, M., ... & Griffiths, A. D. Enhanced chemical synthesis at soft interfaces : A universal reaction-adsorption mechanism in microcompartments
Physical Review Letters (2014)

The project aims to show how Darwinian evolution could emergence in self-reproducing RNA systems. The LBC has developed droplet level bar-coding scheme to track RNA reaction dynamics in single droplets by Next Generation Sequencing. This technology enables us to emulate protocell cycles and follow the dynamics of cooperative autocatalytic RNA ensembles, in order to demonstrate the elementary Darwinian properties of heredity, variation and differential reproduction of RNAs.

The project is held in collaboration with Pr. Niles Lehman (Portland State University, USA), who discovered the first self-reproducing RNA system capable to form a diversity of reaction networks (Vaidya, N., Manapat, M. L., Chen, I. A., Xulvi-Brunet, R., Hayden, E. J., & Lehman, N., Spontaneous network formation among cooperative RNA replicators. Nature 2012), and with Pr. Sandeep Krishna (NCBS, Bangalore, India) who developed theoretical models of evolutionary dynamics in RNA systems (Jain, S., & Krishna, S. A model for the emergence of cooperation, interdependence, and structure in evolving networks. PNAS 2001).

We are seeking a highly motivated Post-Doc, ideally with a strong experience in RNA biochemistry. The Post-Doc should be interested in learning how to use microfluidic systems and working on the fundamental concepts underlying evolutionary phenomena. Flexibility, autonomy, the ability to work in a highly multidisciplinary team and good interpersonal skills are essential.

Job package
We offer an exciting and collaborative work environment at the forefront of biology, chemistry and physics research. We offer a competitive salary for a two-year contract (renewable).

Planned starting date : November/December 2018

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris