Post-doctorant (H/F) 1 an-Laboratoire de Chimie organique : Synthesis of surfactants and dyes to produce colloidal materials using microfluidics - Version PDF
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Post-doctorant (H/F) 1 an-Laboratoire de Chimie organique : Synthesis of surfactants and dyes to produce colloidal materials using microfluidics — Offre pourvue

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Nom : COSSY Janine

Mail : janine.cossy (arobase)

Candidatures (lettre de motivation et CV) à transmettre par courrier électronique.


Métro ligne 7 (Place Monge/Censier Daubenton)

RER B (Luxembourg)

Bus 21, 27 & 47

3 stations Vélib proches

Laboratoire d’accueil :

Laboratoire de Chimie Organique ESPCI ParisTech, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75005 – Paris

Sujet du postdoc :

Synthesis of surfactants and dyes to produce colloidal materials using microfluidics

Thématique de recherche :

The Laboratory of Organic Chemistry (LCO) at the ESPCI Paris Tech is involved in a mutidisciplinary project. The project is funded by the European community (“MICROFLUSA”), and the LCO is inviting application for a postdoctoral position beginning September 2015. This project is dealing with the establishment of new technology of colloidal building blocks enabling the fabrication of functional colloidal materials. Strong links between organic chemistry, microfluidic technology, colloidal/material science, physico-chemistry and photonics will be developed.

Compétences requises :

We are seeking for an outstanding post-doctoral candidates with expertise in synthetic organic chemistry. Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. in Chemistry or Physics and to have a record of high quality publications in organic chemistry, in surfactants and/or polymers. Experience in physico-chemistry would be highly recommended but not necessary.

Début :

15 septembre 2015

Durée :

1 AN

Description du sujet :

The candidate would contribute to the synthesis of surfactants and dyes to produce microdroplets of interest. The candidate would be involved in the assembly of these microdroplets to produce new materials with interesting properties.

Applications should contain a resume, a cover letter describing the research activity, a full list of publications as well as the names and contact informations of three referees (expected to provide letters of recommendation).

10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris