Post doc (collaboration MMN/THALES – 12 months (minimum))

"Active optical lenses based on microfluidics"

Today, there is an interest for increasing the capacities of vision of pilots, drivers or astronauts, and there is an effort to invent new miniaturized active optical elements that could be placed, for instance, in the helmet. The idea here is to realize a small optical element, working in transmission, with a focal length that could be controlled externally. We will start with a PDMS microfluidic chamber, filled with a matching index fluid, whose upper part is a thin wall, that can be deflected by changing the pressure. By controlling the curvature of the thin wall, we control the focal length of the element. The next step will be the realization of an array of such elements.

The objective is thus, in the first 12 months period, to investigate the capabilities of such an approach, and eventually obtain a proof of concept based on a simple device. The work is based on a close collaboration between Thales and MMN. The work will be carried out mainly in MMN/IPGG, taking advantage of the facilities and known-how developed locally. Optical calculations will be carried out with the Thales Research and Technology team.

Highly motivated candidates are encouraged from the present to send an application including a CV and a letter of motivation. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Contact : cecile.assailly (arobase)

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