Deux conférences invitées du Pr. Paul Shaw sur le sommeil

9 avril 2010 9:30 » 09:30

La première conférence invitée du Pr. Paul Shaw , de l’Université Washington à Saint-Louis aux Etats-Unis, portera sur le rôle du sommeil dans la plasticité structurale. Elle se tiendra le vendredi 9 avril à 11h30, dans l’amphithéâtre de l’Espace des sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes :

Sleeping Together : Using social interactions to understand the role of sleep in plasticity

Sleep disruptions, such as those which occur commonly during normal aging, are associated with structural and functional changes in the brain. Interestingly, while sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation in younger adults, older adults may not improve following sleep. Although these results suggest that sleep-dependent memory consolidation is diminished with age the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We report that in flies, functional senescence in sleep and structural plasticity revealed by housing flies in an enriched social environment is mediated, in part, through degradation of dopamine D1 receptor signaling which can be delayed using both pharmacological and genetic manipulations.

Pour information, cette première conférence sera suivie d’une seconde, le vendredi 16 avril à 11h30, dans l’amphithéâtre de l’Espace des sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes :

Molecular genetic dissection of sleep in Drosophila

Extended periods of waking result in physiological impairments in humans, rats, and flies. Sleep homeostasis, the increase in sleep observed following sleep loss, is believed to counter the negative effects of prolonged waking by restoring vital biological processes that are degraded during sleep deprivation. Sleep homeostasis, as with other behaviors, is influenced by both genes and environment. We have identified environmental manipulations that induce periods of waking that, in contrast to sleep deprivation, do not induce the negative consequences of typically associated with waking. Genetic studies have begun to identify genes that regulate sleep homeostasis and offset cognitive deficits associated with sleep deprivation.

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Contact :

Serge Birman

Laboratoire de Neurobiologie

ESPCI ParisTech, CNRS UMR7637

serge.birman (arobase) - 01 40 79 58 35

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