Gulliver Seminar : Ramin Golestanian (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)

25 octobre 2022 11:30 » 12:30 — Bibliothèque PCT - F3.04

Self-organization via non-reciprocal interactions

Broken action-reaction symmetry has been recently explored in active matter in the context of non-equilibrium phoretic interactions between catalytically active colloids and enzymes, and shown to lead formation of self-propelled active molecules that break time-reversal symmetry, oscillating active complexes that break time-translation symmetry, chiral bound-states, and active phase separation with specified stoichiometry. Non-reciprocal interactions have been found to lead to rich physical phenomena involving various forms of spontaneous symmetry-breaking in other related non-equilibrium contexts. Recent applications of non-reciprocal active matter have revealed exotic behaviour such as the appearance of effervescent travelling patterns and shape-shifting multifarious self-organization.

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