Kick-off conference : Nexus Eau-Energie


On October 22nd, the kick-off conference of the Nexus project will be held in Paris. The conference will be available live on Youtube :

Universal access to water and energy are two fundamentally interrelated challenges for the future of the planet. Water management requires energy for sanitation and desalination and energy production requires water.

The project.

Nexus aims to answer the water/energy questions by developing and using fundamental discoveries made at the level of nanomaterials, metamaterials, and nanofluidics. This world-class center will bring together a unique combination of cutting-edge technologies relevant to green research and development. Nexus will enable the transfer of scientific discoveries to a semi-industrial scale.

The partners.

Nexus will federate the action of researchers involved in the LabEx Institut Pierre Gilles de Gennes IPGG (micro and nano-fluidics), the LabEx WIFI (wave science and applications), ESPCI Paris-PSL, Chimie ParisTech-PSL, ENS-PSL, Institut Curie and the Paris FlowTech platform (intensive process chemistry platform) as well as research centers based in Bordeaux, Lyon, Montpellier, Roubaix and Grenoble.
